Magnetic flux leakage (MFL) as an efficient method for pipeline flaw detection plays important role in pipeline safety. This\nnondestructive test technique assesses the health of the buried pipeline. The signal is gathered by an array of hall-effect sensors\ndisposed at the magnetic neutral plane of a pair of permanent magnet in the pipeline inspection gauge (PIG) clinging to the inner\nsurface of the pipe wall.Themagnetic fluxmeasured by the sensors reflects the health condition of the pipe.The signal is influenced\nby not only the condition of the pipe, but also by the lift-off value of the sensors and various properties of electronic component.\nThe consistency of the position of the sensors is almost never satisfied and each sensor measures differently. In this paper, a new\nscheme of channel equalization is proposed for MFL signal in order to correct sensor misalignments, which eventually improves\naccuracy of defect characterization. The algorithm proposed in this paper is adaptive to the effects of error on the disposition of\nthe sensor due to manufacturing imperfections and movements of the sensors.The algorithm is tested by data acquired from an\nexperimental pipeline.The results show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.